FIFA 14: 10 Over-Rated Players Who Need Downgrading In January Updates

3. Ashley Young (Man Utd) - 80

Ashley Young seems to be adored by the FIFA developers. Perhaps he has relatives in high places, perhaps the £130,000 he makes every week means he has the expendable income to grease a few palms for his own pride. In any case, there can be no denying that since joining United Young has been one of the most consistently overrated players in the FIFA franchise. Even though his rating has already been reduced to 80 this is still overly generous. Despite finally scoring his first league goal since 2012 this season, Young is still unrecognisable from the prodigy who used to tear it up at Aston Villa. Nowadays he has built up a reputation for being a speciality diver, capable of tricking a penalty from even the stingiest of referees. Unfortunately diving and/or acting skills are not categories which contribute to a player's rating so there can be no denying that even 80 is too high.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.