FIFA 14: 6 MORE Players Bought By A Guy Who Doesn't Know Football

3. Marko Arnautovic

Pricetag: $8.5M, from Stoke City After several years of waiting for right midfielder Zeli Ismail to develop into a star, I realized something: that was never going to happen. Well, maybe not never, but not soon. And with Wolves finally beginning to make some impact at the Premier League level, we needed someone who could have an impact from the wing. A quick search of the league stats revealed that Arnautovic had scored twice in as many games, and with only a few days before the transfer window closed there might still be time to nab him. Stoke was none to keen on selling him to me, and his good form made him that much more expensive, but I managed to lock him down for a price well above what he was actually worth. He was worth it to me though, because he stabilized a weak position and helped with the thrust towards the top of the table. He's been injured regularly since his first year and has had a reduced impact as a result, even being transfer listed for a brief stretch at one point. Still, not a regrettable purchase considering he scored two goals in the game that clinched us our first BPL title.
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Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!