FIFA 15: 10 Things EA Sports Have Improved

5. The Premier League Introduction

€œAnd it€™s LIVE€ FIFA 15 hasn€™t quite gone full Sky Sports on us, however, the added thirty seconds or so of pre-match footage is nothing short of electric. The Jeff Stelling introduction before passing over to Martin Tyler is still very much there but it is the visual footage that should now captivate the gamer even more. Having the official Barclays Premier League presentation adds to the realism, adds to anticipation and genuinely makes you feel like you€™re about to enter a Premier League title decider at Anfield or a fourth-place battle for that all important Champions League spot in north London. The camera angles chosen as the players exit from the tunnel, as they form their lines for the customary handshake and the footage of the fans waving their banners, jumping in excitement almost feels like you€™re sitting down at home about to watch Super Sunday.

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