FIFA 15: 10 Things EA Sports Have Improved

4. Proper Team-mate Celebrations

Nothing ruins a forty-yard run and finish or a fifty-yard screamer into the top corner that clips the crossbar and hits the back of the net more than a team-mate doing the €˜Bottom Dance€™ whilst the goalscorer perfects the €˜Head Shake€™. Over recent years, we€™ve seen the Icelandic football team Stjarnan FC showcase some wonderfully choreographed goal celebrations €“ from fishing, to dancing and even to giving birth - and showmanship is clearly alive and well in the professional game. It is the epitome of team unity and togetherness; therefore, you can imagine our gamers embarrassment when Romelu Lukaku is carrying out the €˜Spanish Archer€™ whilst Christian Benteke steals the show with a €˜Knee Slide€™. Thankfully, FIFA 15 now allows group hugs and bundles, whilst the team-mates acknowledge the actual scorer of the goal.

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