FIFA 17: 5 Reasons We Need A Sequel To The Journey
1. More Option To Make Choices That Matter
Whilst not groundbreaking, the dialogue response system in The Journey was adequate. The fiery or cool response was good enough, however, it didn't change much in terms of story or life decisions.
If the Journey is to continue, it would greatly benefit from making Alex Hunter's response mean more to the story, and perhaps give him more meaningful decisions to make. For example, Hunter could either decline or accept an offer from a teammate to go out for a drink after a big match.
If he goes out for a drink with them and the manager finds out, he would be dropped for the next match, regardless of training performances. EA Sports could add some sort of chemistry system based on Alex's response choices with the characters.
For instance, if he goes out drinking, Alex could gain better chemistry with his teammates, effectively changing his interactions with the players. This would not only add more diverse cut scenes, but would give the player a real sense that what they say has an actual effect on the game.
Another thing that could be considered is the option for Alex to buy his own house, cars etc and give the game another dimension. Let's use those wages for something for frivolous purchases at least... He is a footballer after all.