FIFA 18: 10 Fan Demands EA Sports Must Include

5. The Old Set Piece System

FIFA 17 Penalty
EA Sports/YouTube

Sorry, EA, but that new free kick mechanic is just awful. Whomever had the bright idea of taking control away from players and leaving set pieces in the hands of fate deserves a slap. In FIFA 17, curling a kick into the top right hand corner is clumsy and nigh-on impossible to achieve consistently even with the game's best dead ball specialists.

Penalties suffer too, albeit not as much as free kicks. There's promise in the directional/power arrow concept, but it'll require some work before the idea becomes one of FIFA's brightest. Those wobbly animations in the run up need to go as well, because they make footy's top stars look like they've never seen a ball before.

Bringing back the old set piece system would ironically feel like a step forwards. The old adage, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' is often overused, yet this is one example of the phrase's relevance. There was no need to change anything in the first place, EA, you were just looking for something to tamper with.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.