FIFA 18: 10 Fan Demands EA Sports Must Include

4. Actual Interaction With Real Managers In Career Mode

FIFA 17 Managers

Seeing the likes of Pep Guardiola and Jürgen Klopp on the sidelines added to the sense of authenticity in FIFA 17. At the same time, diving into Career Mode made it clear that real-life managers were something of a missed opportunity for the game. Aside from looking the part, those fleshed-out tactical geniuses offered nothing.

Wouldn't it be cool to see some sort of realism in FIFA 18 when it comes to managers? For example, catching wind of Arsene Wenger finally handing in his notice at Arsenal and taking the hot seat at PSG or for the French national side sounds plausible, and it'd add so much more depth to the game.

If EA aren't comfortable tinkering around with management positions, then why not allow player-created gaffers to have more interaction with the likes of Jose Mourinho and Mauricio Pochettino? Building friendships or setting the scene for slow-burning rivalries like Mourinho vs. Wenger is what this should be all about.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.