FIFA 18: 10 Fan Demands EA Sports Must Include

3. More Human Feel To The Officials

FIFA Linesman Offside

This is a controversial one, but why should FIFA's referee and linesman teams be faultless robots who have 20/20 vision? Human error is a bigger talking point in the real game than ever before, so it's about time FIFA's officials got it wrong from time to time.

As much as it'd cause players to tear their hair out if their star striker definitely wasn't offside, the excitement levels would skyrocket should refs offer up contentious decisions aplenty. Ok, so this shouldn't happen all the time, because overkill would be bad, but once or twice here and there wouldn't hurt too much.

Officials in FIFA feel stripped of humanity, and that has to be revised. A general upgrade of differences between each referee and linesman set overall should do the trick, thus instantly capturing more of a real-world feel.

We want to shout at referees because they're wrong, not because in-game replays prove them to be right 100% of the time.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.