FIFA 18: 10 Rumours That Could Be True

1. The Return Of Indoor Football

fifa 97 indoor football
EA Sports

Sadly, calling it quits on a feature quickly isn't new territory for EA Sports. The last time gamers witnessed indoor football as part of a full FIFA title was back in FIFA 98: Road To The World Cup. Since then, calls have been made on social media annually for a return of the indoor kick-about.

FIFA Street did scratch an itch somewhat, but it didn't quite have the same arcade brilliance of indoor football visible in FIFA 97 and 98. EA clamoured for more of a hip, zany feel, rather than just letting gamers live out those old Masters tournaments from Sky Sports.

Indoor football is by far the most sought-after comeback in FIFA. FIFA 18 could be the game to grant those wishes too, because there's no reason for EA to go against what people want. Ultimate Team would have a totally different feel on the wood, and quick two-player matches would feel fresh and exciting again.


What other FIFA 18 rumours have you heard? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.