FIFA 18: 10 Rumours That Could Be True

3. Dynamic Weather Changes The Way You Play

FIFA 17 Santiago Bernabeu

Weather has always been superficial in FIFA. Yes, players can live out those childhood memories of chest-sliding through the snow in famous football stadiums across the globe, but snow doesn't really effect how each match plays out.

An exception to this rule, rainy matches do result in your digital players slipping all over the place and water does make FIFA harder on Legendary difficulty. Now, The Sun are reporting that EA wish to include dynamic weather that will cause gamers to adapt or die whilst games are actually in progress.

For example, the heavens could open up mid-match, turning a slick-passing team into one rattled against lower-league opposition who seize the moment and relish such conditions. This is pretty exciting, because it could lead to a much greater focus on tactical adjustments or which players are right for which situations.

That is unless you pick any Scottish team, because EA seem to think it rains every week regardless of season. It does, but not throughout the entire match!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.