FIFA 18: 5 New Features You Need To Know

3. Pitch Quality Varies

FIFA 18 Eden Hazard
EA Sports/Daily Star

Cast your mind back to days spent playing with mates down at the local park and then picture your mum's sad face as she picked clumps of muddy turf from your studs. Those were magical times, eh? The days when football didn't need to be played on a pristine surface to be enjoyable. FIFA 18 is bringing that back.

By the end of a League One slog between Gillingham and Walsall, it's hardly realistic that the pitch will look like it's been lifted from the Santiago Bernabéu. No, games at Priestfield Stadium would become kick and rush affairs because of an increasingly worn-down pitch. That's all part and parcel of lower-league excitement.

As matches drag on in FIFA 18, pitch quality will suffer. This is all down to the new new dynamic weather mechanics, and it could just create a contrast between the kind of football on offer at the top compared to the lower divisions. Again, League One shouldn't rival Premier League in terms of on-the-pitch quality, and not just because the players aren't as skilled.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.