FIFA 18: 5 New Features You Need To Know

2. EA Are Teasing FIFA Street's Return

FIFA Street 2
Electronic Arts

The FIFA Street series was last explored back in 2012. A reboot of the cartoonish style of past titles, FIFA Street 4 (or 2012, as it was also known) teased long-time series fans with the notion of playing quick 5/7-a side matches on smaller parks. Who didn't love smashing the ball off a nearby wall before running on to it and regaining possession?

According to Four Four Two, that street-style play of the past may just make a return in FIFA 18, albeit as part of The Journey 2 story mode. At one point in the tale, Alex Hunter takes to the favelas of Brazil for a quick kick about, and that's where we'd get to experiment with those tasty 'indoor' footy mechanics that have been missing from the main FIFA series since the 90's.

It'll likely be a quick affair, but wouldn't it be special if EA included such street soccer as a standalone feature in the game? Come on, EA, we want to experience what it's like to play arcade-like matches against friends when we're short on time again.

If you're not going to give us a full indoor mode, then this is the next best thing.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.