FIFA 18: 7 New Additions You Need To Know

2. They’re Finally Overhauling Stadium Crowds

EA Sports

Watch FIFA 18's Ronaldo-obsessed trailer and you may have spotted a little message flashing up reminding everyone this was "Game Engine Footage". Either EA are creating a rod for their own backs or they're supremely confident the final product will look as good as the trailer suggests.

Most notably, player animations look smoother and faces more human. On top of all that, look at how the crowd appear more natural when Ronaldo blazes a free kick above the defensive wall and into the net. Gone seem to be the generic swarm of replica strips and blank expressions. That crowd look more lively and less uniform.

If this is indeed in-game footage, that's a good sign. EA have always loved the idea of creating a football experience akin to attending a match, and the people in attendance cheering on their respective teams play a part in that.

The fact they move like an organic group of people and not animated puppets going through the motions is encouraging.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.