FIFA 18 Demo: 7 Things We Learned

2. Quick Subs Work A Treat

FIFA 18 Demo Quick Subs
EA Sports

Quick substitutions, where have you been all our lives? It's amazing when something so simple comes along in a video game and you wonder how you managed to cope without it. That's the case with EA's excellent new in-game subs mechanic. It's easy to set up pre-match and it avoids the need to enter quiet, lonely menus.

Some traditionalists out there may still prefer to mess around with their lineup in the menu, and that's still possible. However, once you've tried out the quick subs option, there's really no going back. This is the kind of thing that should have been implemented years ago, and it allows for greater immersion into a match than ever before.

Players can pick up to 3 quick subs before the match gets underway. Then, during a break in play, it's simply a case of holding R2/RT and selecting which sub you'd like to make. The game seamlessly obliges as you continue to bask in the afterglow of a recent goal or grit your teeth at the singing of opposition supporters.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.