FIFA 18: Ranking Every Major New Feature (From Worst To Best)

4. Quick Subs

FIFA 18 Demo Quick Subs
EA Sports

'Quick Subs' do exactly what they suggest, allowing players to line up a bunch of substitutions before each match begins then trigger them without disrupting the action. It's amazing that something so simple hasn't been used in prior FIFA titles before 2017, because it really does work and keeps you in the stadium rather than staring at another menu.

Remember those atmosphere-breaking pauses just to switch your striker in old FIFA games? They've vanished, and the entire process of subs feels a lot slicker for it. We didn't find ourselves using them in every match (it's easy to forget that pre-setting substitutions is even possible at first), but they do come in handy when you're looking to give your star man a rest or a youth player some minutes.

This is yet another feature EA will likely develop over the next few years. It'd be nice to see greater emphasis on tactical changes too. In order to make a sweeping tactical switch, you still have to hit pause and trudge off to a lifeless menu.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.