FIFA 19: 10 Things EA Should Steal From PES

7. Their Face-Mapping Technology

PES 2018

FIFA 18 sorted out the age-old "melted candle" problem. Previously, players EA blatantly didn't give a toss about were left looking like expressionless waxwork dummies who had strayed to close to the fire. As many improvements as they've made, however, it isn't yet at PES levels.

For proof, analyse screenshots of Konami's game. There's a much more human feel to the character models generally, and there's a self-awareness in their eyes when acknowledging the camera.

Compare that to FIFA's more vacant approach (almost like the players are already thinking about what they'll have for dinner) and it becomes clear EA have to address the face-mapping flaws in their system. They shouldn't think twice about studying how PES go about it.

Players need to grimace, smile, show anger and disbelief during certain parts of the match. FIFA can't coast by any longer, especially not in an era when other A-list games such as God of War sell human emotion as a major part of their product.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.