FIFA 19: 7 Things We Already Know

2. Serie A Will Finally Be Fully Licensed

Serie A
By Source, Fair use,

Play enough of FIFA 18 and you'll notice that the Italian divisions don't have their proper titles. Instead, they're called Calcio A and B in-game. As anyone who follows the beautiful game in Italy knows, both leagues are actually called Serie A and B.

For the first time officially, they'll have that proper branding in FIFA 19.

An article published in Gazzetta della Sport recently claimed that league officials had inked a deal with EA that would see Serie A and B be fully licensed in this year's game. Whilst that doesn't necessarily mean that Italian footy will get the Premier League treatment (don't expect every single stadium, for example), it is a step in the right direction for a series obsessed with licensing.

Presentation will take a leap as well. Think of the way Bundesliga, La Liga and MLS matches were presented in last year's game. That's the kind of attention to detail we can expect now EA have come to terms on using Italian football's league trademarks.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.