FIFA 20 Career Mode: 10 Ways EA Can REALLY Fix It

8. Manager History

FIFA 20 Career Mode
EA Sports

As this generation of sports games creaks towards inevitable replacement on newer hardware, one thing becomes clearer: EA are turning FIFA titles on PS4 and Xbox One into soft 'Legacy' reprints of products already on the market. This is a problem with annual updates generally, but the developers aren't learning from history.

History. Now there's a thought.

Wouldn't it be nice to fire up FIFA 20, launch in Career Mode, spend half an hour creating a new manager (that new suite is admittedly very swish) and then decide exactly how much credibility they have? Football Manager fans will know all about this; in that series, it's entirely possible to create a Sunday League stalwart who's lucky to be in the job or a global superstar who has won everything before hitting the dugout.

In a game mode that relies on self-created lore and players sewing the fabric of their own footy universe, this sort of thing is essential. It's totally missing in FIFA, and that's a shame. It'd be great to see the media respond accordingly depending on what kind of experience your gaffer has too.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.