FIFA 21 Reveal: 10 Things We Most Want To See

6. Promises That Are Actually Followed Through With

EA Sports

While everything discussed so far is all well and good, showing new and improved features at the reveal is not good enough if they are not actually going to be implemented in the game.

Now, this might seem like something of a pedantic complaint. I mean, after all, the whole purpose of the reveal is to showcase things that will be included in FIFA 21, but if history is anything to go by (it is) EA doesn't exactly have a stellar track record in following through with actually implementing features demonstrated in its reveals.

This was made clear last year when pre-release marketing for FIFA 20 emphasised that the game would feature an improved "controlled tackling" system that would allow players to take back possession with "Active Touch Tackling". However, anyone who has actually played FIFA 20 for any length of time will likely agree that defending in the game felt a lot more Claudio Cacapa than it did Virgil Van Dijk.


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