FIFA 21 Reveal: 10 Things We Most Want To See

3. Address The Current Global Situation

EA Sports

As everyone is aware, the current global situation has thrown a colossal proverbial spanner in the works of just about every aspect of modern life, with gaming no exception.

With the landmark first FIFA title on next-gen being developed during this tumultuous period, and with the recent news that unlike many other games, FIFA 21 is not going to be delayed, it's not surprising that fans have questioned to what extent the disruptions to work around the world will have affected the upcoming game.

It appears that EA has already gone some way to addressing this, with an eagle-eyed fan noting on Reddit that the company's quarterly report makes for grim viewing for those who had hoped that FIFA 21 would include large-scale updates.

"The closure of several of the Company’s key locations, including its global headquarters in Redwood City, California and key studios across North America, Europe and Asia which could impact (1) the Company’s ability to meet product and live service development schedules, (2) the effectiveness of the Company’s quality controls and game testing measures, and (3) the Company’s ability to conduct normal business operations; the inability of third-party developers with whom the Company has partnerships to meet product development schedules"

While this doesn't guarantee that FIFA 21 has been adversely affected, it seems likely that EA have issued this statement to mitigate the damage that could be caused if the game is negatively received upon release.


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