FIFA 22 Review: 7 Ups & 5 Downs

3. Poor Cutscene Scripting

EA Sports

Career Mode's big addition this year was 'Create-A-Club' (more on that later). Beyond that and some more detailed stats half-time/post-match, not much has changed for the main single player suite. That'll come as a letdown to those hoping for that true next-gen Career experience.

Also, those cutscenes.

They can be pretty to look at, but the scripting is all over the place. It's disappointing to see gaffers get told that they've relegated a rival three matches into the league campaign. There's just no excuse for that kind of laziness or buggy bullsh*t in a top-tier release. There's too much repetition across cutscenes generally too.

Would it have killed EA to come up with some new questions? The least they could've done is make sure that each one is contextually on-the-money. Sadly, promising dialogue wheels and the RPG-ish elements that come with them are a big missed opportunity. Yep, same as last year.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.