FIFA 23: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

6. Scripting Will Remain

EA Sports

Of course, it'll all count for nothing if the AI decides to laugh at your 2-0 lead and suddenly turn Watford into Barcelona circa 2009. Scripting has always been a contentious point in the FIFA series, and it's something EA has flat out denied for years.

Almost every gamer who picks up one of these games has experienced something akin to scripting though. Being powerless against laser-guided AI is rubbish, and it needs to change. That's why rumours suggesting that CPU-controlled teams will actually become smarter and react to different variables like time left, the score etc sounds worrying.

That could feed scripting fears further.

Unstoppable AI doesn't sound fair, but it's a genuine issue on the higher difficulty settings. There's no reason to expect this to change in FIFA 23. Sometimes, you're not meant to win a match because the AI has deemed it impossible. It looks like players will just have to put up with this.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.