FIFA 23 Beta: 10 Hands-On First Impressions You Need To Know

6. Power Shots Are Risk/Reward

EA Sports

EA are very proud of the power shot mechanic.

They're really hard to pull off properly though, and you've only got a short window to work with before defenders converge on you like zombies in now-ancient shooter Left 4 Dead. It's worth saying that power shots are also totally unrealistic, and pretty much unstoppable for keepers.

You'll probs give it a try every so often, but it won't become part of any FIFA veteran's arsenal in every single match. Why? Well, again, they're only useful when you're outside the box and have some space. Players take far too long to wind one up, which makes them defunct inside a crowded penalty area.

Remember EA's hyperbole about the old one-timer mechanic? This is similar. Y'know who uses that game after game? A very small minority of players. Sadly, these power shots could just be another arcade-ish gimmick more than a game-changing feature people will look back on fondly in years to come.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.