FIFA 23 Career Mode: 10 Changes You Need To Know

6. More Customisation In Create-A-Club

FIFA 23 Career Mode
EA Sports

Last year's Create-A-Club addition was fun for a while, but things felt a bit too samey eventually. There were no real unique challenges that made creating a new team from scratch appealing, and it wasn't hard to rocket up the rankings to become Premier League champions after a season or two.

FIFA 23 won't change your chances of success, but it will offer up new customisation tools. You'll now be able to fully customise the club before launching a save - that means changing player names, heights, weights, appearances, their preferred positions, key attributes and what animations they use out on the pitch.

Better than nothing, eh?

Sadly, it doesn't look like this freedom will extend to stadiums though. That full-blown building editor seems like a pipe-dream, or something that EA plans to put in their own game when they give that FIFA license the boot.

One can but hope that's coming over the next few entries.

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