Final Fantasy 14: 10 Reasons It Deserves Your Attention In 2021

5. Social, But Distanced

final fantasy 14

Despite wilding a fully-fledged Final Fantasy story (and a damn good one at that), XIV is still an MMO, and with it comes a wonderful way to kill time with friends outside of the comfy confines of the pub.

Embedded amongst the endless tutorials (all packed neatly in a sub menu) is a whole social tab that highlights just how inviting the game --as well as the genre-- can be. Hunting prized monsters or checking off levequests with friends makes Final Fantasy XIV an entirely new game.

Engrossing story beats are pushed to the wayside as teamwork is prioritised, and galivanting across the sprawling Eorzean landscape with a friend at your side means Square Enix' crowning MMO more than sufficiently fills your social requirements for the week.

Free Companies, the Novice Network and Mentor system are at the disposal of new players and each reaffirm, not just how friendly the community can be for new players, but just how well Final Fantasy XIV can fill the social void we've been craving.

In fact, the only issue is that the story is so engaging at times that you'll be wishing your pals would halt their conversation as you grab your popcorn for one of the game's lengthy, yet engaging, story cutscenes.


Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.