Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Heroes
24. Agrias (Tactics)

Despite it being held in as high regard as other entries in the upper echelons of the series for its brutally dark story and immersive gameplay, Final Fantasy Tactics remains an experience that comparatively few players have ever beheld.
Much of its strength comes from its villains, such as the patricidal and fratricidal Dycedarg, the loathsome Argath, the turncoat Gaffgarion, the tragic Wiegraf and the chessmaster Delita, with most of the players party made up solely of ‘units’ that play no part in the twisting narrative.
Amongst these ranks, however, are a handful of faces to be drawn to, such as the ‘Thunder God’ Orlandeau, whose sheer mightiness in combat has to be seen to be believed, and the machinist Mustadio, who the AI seems to hold a pathological hatred for.
Chief amongst these is Agrias, the holy knight who serves as Princess Ovelia’s guardian. Given Ovelia’s central role in the plots and conspiracies of the game’s factions, she is ever-present as a protector, shielding her charge on the battlefield and joining Ramza to pursue her when she falls into enemy hands.
Loyal and dutiful, Agrias is a woman of few words and could be construed as boring by some, but her abilities on the battlefield are as awe-inspiring as any other bearer of the beloved paladin or dark knight classes. Her dogmatic dedication to her role, refusing to play sides, is commendable, resulting in a her being a solid all-rounder.