Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Summons

12. Cerberus

final fantasy IX 9 bahamut alexander
Square Enix

Cerberus is one of the most well-known creatures from Greek mythology. Few things are as visually distinctive as a ferocious three-headed dog and Hades’ guardian of the underworld, the final of Heracles’ twelve labours, has been featured in everything from Disney’s take on the legend through to Harry Potter (as Fluffy).

Within the Final Fantasy series Cerberus has fulfilled a variety of roles, existing as a creature (ranging from a common enemy in IX and XII through to a late game boss in III and XV) and weapon (both Vincent’s three-barrelled gun and Noctis’ sniper rifle). It has only been a summon once, in VIII, but thrived in the role, being both impressive to look at and massively functional with its bestowal of the Double and Triple status effects on all party members.

Given the need to maintain a full pool of various magics for Junctioning reasons (up to 9 for stats and 10 for elemental and status attack and defence), few spells have a practical use within the game, but giving players the option to use three in one go (enabling the entire party to be cured or buffed) could be a tide turner.

Though Doublecast has recurred in subsequent games (which returned to the consumption of MP for spellcasting), Triple was presumably deemed overpowered and has never returned. Given Cerberus’ association with the number three, it has sadly precluded them also.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.