Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Villains 

16. Dycedarg (Tactics)

final fantasy 10 seymour guado
Square Enix

Argath’s murder of an innocent girl is just the tip of the iceberg for Final Fantasy Tactics, a game so dark that it puts Game of Thrones to shame at times. It boasts more reprehensible villains than any other title in the series, with the likes of turncoat Gaffgarion, rapist Duke Berrington and the filicidal Folmarv outdone in the malevolence stakes by Dycedarg.

The eldest brother of lead character Ramza, Dycedarg at first appears to be a stern but fair leader. As it comes to light that he has been pursuing power at all costs, however, he alienates both Ramza and his other brother, the loyal and unquestioning Zalbaag, the latter of whom discovers both his patricide of their father and the regicide of his supposed master, Duke Larg. He pays for his discovery with his own life, as Dycedarg casually adds fratricide to the list of his unspeakable crimes.

In one of the game’s most horror-inducing moments, Zalbaag is brought back to life as a self-aware zombie, emotionally pleading with Ramza to kill him as he lacks control of his actions. Having to put down both siblings back-to-back is a crushing endeavour, but one that sees a rewarding measure of justice issued to one of Ivalice’s most masterful manipulators.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.