Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Villains 

17. Sin/Yu Yevon/Jecht (X)

final fantasy 10 seymour guado
Square Enix

“They called it Sin”

The opening scene of Final Fantasy X, which depicted the destruction of lead character Tidus’ home of Dream Zanarkand at the hands of a whale-like monster, was nothing short of breathtaking given the-then revolutionary PS2 graphics and the heavy-hitting metal score.

The Kaiju-esque Sin is ever-present through the game’s narrative, frequently showing up to wreak havoc as Tidus and his companions ostensibly seek to bring about its end through Yuna’s summoner pilgrimage. Though it initially appears to be a mindless monster, the slow uncovering of its origins as a vehicle for Yu Yevon to prevent humanity’s development through an endless cycle of destruction, is exceptionally well crafted.

The incorporation of Tidus’ father Jecht into Sin, possessed to do Yu Yevon’s bidding, adds a personal edge to proceedings. Deeply flawed as a parent and despised by his son for his apparent abandonment, Jecht could’ve been a one-dimensional character, but his deficiencies mask genuine love and both the inevitable battle and Jecht’s occasional bouts of sentience outside of Yu Yevon’s control are poignant to endure.

Yu Yevon is disappointingly a pushover in his own right, with it not actually being possible to fall to him in battle. As part of a trifecta with the might of Sin and the tragedy of Jecht, however, he is more renowned than he deserves to be.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.