Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Villains 

7. Wiegraf (Tactics)

final fantasy 10 seymour guado
Square Enix

Unless they turn to the side of heroes and end up sacrificing themselves in repentance for their previous ways, players are never meant to feel sorrow or pity for a villain, with their evil acts usually justifying and encouraging their condemnation. Tactics’ Wiegraf Folles is an exception to the rule.

Beginning the game as an honourable (if not misguided) leader of a rebellion against aristocracy, Wiegraf goes so far as to execute a subordinate for defying his orders and bringing them into disrepute. He is torn apart by his sister Milleuda’s death at Ramza’s hand, destining the pair to a rivalry.

After his grief is manipulated by the Knights Templar that serve as the game’s ultimate antagonists, he is killed in battle after trying enact vengeance upon Ramza’s sister, Alma, by proxy. Brought back to life as a Lucavi demon, the remaining shreds of his humanity are consumed to leave him fuelled solely by hatred.

Few things are as tear-inducing as when Wiegraf declares that he has forsaken the memory of his sister and his commitment to the common population of the world, wishing instead only to inflict chaos and destruction upon it. The merciful act of putting him down for a final time is a tough ask, not only for the difficulty of one-on-one combat but for the fact that it in another life, the two characters could’ve easily fought for justice side by side.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.