Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Villains 

6. Seymour (X)

final fantasy 10 seymour guado

The mention of ‘Seymour Flux’ will inspire nightmarish flashbacks to most Final Fantasy X players. Loss after loss at the hands of Seymour’s third incarnation, fresh off the revelation that he had senselessly murdered the majority of the Ronso tribe, was one of the game’s most frustrating moments and came at the point where every aspect of the Yevon Maester’s deranged schemes had been revealed.

There is something ‘off’ about Seymour from the get go. Though he comes across affably and is given an awe-inspiring introduction as his Anima summon obliterates hordes of monsters, his tone and demeanour hint and something sinister, though seemingly only Tidus and Auron are able to sense it.

The personification of nihilism, Seymour wishes to unleash death upon the world to ‘release’ its people from their endless suffering at the hands of Sin, a twisted outlook fuelled by his childhood isolation, rejection from society for his mixed-race status and the sacrifice of his beloved mother, whose Fayth he was unable to bring himself to use to defeat Sin.

The barbarity of his actions, including the aforementioned genocide, his murders of both his father and his colleague Kinoc and his rather forced courtship of Yuna (even more disturbing when viewed in a post-#MeToo world) establish him as a deep and disquieting foe, whose perplexing antlered appearance masks a true monster within.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.