Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Villains 

5. Seifer (VIII)

final fantasy 10 seymour guado
Square Enix

Final Fantasy VIII begins with one of the most incredible cut-scenes in the entire franchise, as lead character Squall and his rival Seifer engage in a bloody duel that leaves them with mirrored scars. This, combined with the black and white symbolism expressed by their contrasting jackets, sets the scene for a relationship that will dominate the game.

Given that the game has a disappointing main antagonist in the form of Ultimecia, the excellence of Seifer heavily redeems it on the villain front. Failing his goal to become a SeeD mercenary, his inferiority complex is ramped up to eleven as he sees Squall succeed where he failed and draw Rinoa to his side in the process.

Serving as the ‘Sorceress’ Knight’, Seifer functions as one of the end bosses on each of the game’s first three discs, becoming more and more internally tormented as he realises the depth of the depravity that he has sunk to under Ultimecia’s command. He nevertheless continues to pursue it, believing himself to be too far gone to stop.

Between torturing Squall, driving his only remaining friends (Fujin and Raijin) to abandon him and becoming willing to sacrifice Rinoa’s life, Seifer’s descent is tragic to witness, but it makes him a highly effective adversary and exhilarating to challenge time after time.

There’s also the fact that he effortlessly slices ODIN of all summons in half!


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.