Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 10 BEST Easter Eggs, Secrets & References

1. Apple Juice, Hair Tonic, And Cats...Oh My!

final fantasy 7 tifa
Square Enix

Favorite places for game developers to hide secrets or references have always been posters or advertisements in the background. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is no exception. There are three distinct advertisements in Midgar that you may have seen, but not necessarily realized were easter eggs.

The first is a simple Hair Tonic ad. The ad itself isn't all that flashy, but a line on the poster may explain how Cloud and many others achieve their gravity-defying, spiky hair. If you look under the poster you'll see the words "astonishingly radiant and spiky hair!" Now if only they'd explain how Sephiroth manages to keep his long hair looking so soft...

The second is a Banora White Apple Juice poster. For any who played Crisis Core, the purplish apples may look familiar. The antagonist of Crisis Core, Genesis Rhapsodos was born in Banora and created the juice and the slogan. They are also known as dumbapples, since the trees bear the fruit at random times of the year.

The final poster is for Cat Cam, "See the world through her eye." What could this be referencing? Apparently, cut content for Final Fantasy XV where the player could play as a cat.

A fun nod to something adorable... and odd.

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