Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 10 BEST Easter Eggs, Secrets & References

2. Famous Bodybuilders

final fantasy 7 tifa
Square Enix

Seeing Wall Market in all of its neon-lit glory in High Definition was a pleasure in and of itself. But seeing how they updated the familiar locales to really flesh out the district was a sight to behold. Seeing the streets populated gave it another dimension the original game couldn't. There are levels, hidden alleyways, and additional ambiences as you move from one district to the other.

Walking into the gym and being greeted by 3 men ready to test your mettle never looked so good. Realizing there's more to the 3 men than first thought, even better. Though probably not known to many, Jules and his training buddies Jay and Ronnie are all loosely based off real-life body builders. Jules Bacon (Mr. America 1943), Ronnie Coleman (8-time winner of Mr. Olympia), and Jay Cutler (4-time winner of Mr. Olympia).

This may provide little solace to the pain of having to do perfect squats and chin-ups over and over, but it is a curious inclusion into the Final Fantasy universe.

They may not be well-known outside of bodybuilding enthusiast circles, but clearly someone on the development team is a fan.


Jennifer Ludwig hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.