Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 10 BEST Easter Eggs, Secrets & References

7. "Ragtag Group Of Misfits"

Even the smallest moment can sometimes turn into a surprising wink to an audience.

Take this scene that, on its surface, seems kind of like a throw away funny moment. Cloud and his friends have split up. He faces off against Rufus Shinra while Aerith, Barret, and Red XIII are confronted by Heidegger in the lobby of the Shinra building. Heidegger asks,

"What is this ragtag group of misfits I see before me?"

The three respond with Avalanche, local florist, and lab rat dog, respectively. Besides being a bit of a laugh, this is actually a small nod to the classic game. The differences of course being it was Rufus Shinra who simply asked who the group was, and it included Cloud and Tifa, as well, but with similar responses.

It's a small moment that acknowledges the changes that have been made between the classic and Remake. But it also shows dedication to keeping the heart of the original game within the Remake.

Plus, it adds a moment of brevity following a tough fight against the Arsenal.


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