Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 10 BEST Easter Eggs, Secrets & References

6. Classic Seventh Heaven

final fantasy 7 tifa
Square Enix

In the Remake Cloud will find himself at the Seventh Heaven Bar quite a bit. It's a great introduction to the Sector 7 slums and provides a calming atmosphere between the fighting and looking for lost cats. And who knew a darts throwing mini-game could be so addicting?

No one can deny Seventh Heaven in the Remake looks amazing. Even if we can't use the pinball machine to go down to the hideout for reasons never truly explained, the welcoming feel of the Sector 7 slums bar is present in every floorboard. Players may even find themselves spending time simply flipping through songs on the jukebox and having a sit down.

Though if the original bar from the classic game is more to your liking, no worries! If you look behind the counter and above the exit door you'll see two picture frames with homages to the classic Seventh Heaven. One is an exterior shot of the bar and the other is an interior shot.

It's a small detail. But a heart-warming one.


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