Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 10 BEST Easter Eggs, Secrets & References

5. Victory Poses In Corneo Colosseum

One thing that's a major change from the classic Final Fantasy 7 game is definitely the combat. A major overhaul from the familiar turn-based fighting of old Final Fantasy games, the Remake has done away with the hit and wait style.

Combat is fluid and much more active with players attacking, dodging, and blocking in real time. There is Classic Mode which allows players to focus more on strategy, but even then the characters are still automatically attacking.

Entry into and out of battles are seamless, a music cue sometimes the only thing letting you know you're in a fight. Even fleeing from a battle is stream-lined and gives players more freedom to choose when to fight and when to run.

But with this new system comes a caveat. The familiar and beloved victory poses are gone, along with the fanfare accompanying a triumph.

But don't fret! There is one place you can still experience them in high definition and surround sound. In Corneo's Colosseum. It's a real treat to see the characters act out their poses with witty one-liners while hundreds cheer them on over the thunderous fanfare of victory!

How the developers will incorporate this into future parts, we'll have to wait and see.


Jennifer Ludwig hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.