Final Fantasy Series: 10 Defining Scenes

3. Galuf's Last Stand (Final Fantasy V) Though the most well known, Aeris was not the first main character in a Final Fantasy game to die. That distinction goes to Galuf, who, having been defeated, along with the rest of the party, by the villainous Exdeath, sees his granddaughter, Krile, attempting to come his rescue. This gives him the determination to stand up and fight once more, going toe-to-toe with Exdeath until his dying breath.

2. Squall's Speech (Final Fantasy VIII) Squall wasn't the most interesting main character that the series has ever seen, and though his stoic demeanour is eventually eroded by his love for Rinoa, he gets his defining character moment when, with his home and people devastated by a battle with their enemies, he gives a rousing speech, accompanied by yet another near-perfect Nobuo Uematsu musical accompaniment. Rallying his troops for a counterattack, the scene kick-starts the game once again after several hours of gameplay where little of note occurs.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.