Final Fantasy VII Remake: 10 Things Everybody Missed In The New Trailer

7. An Alternate Intro?

The opening of the trailer appears to be out of order, as one of the very first shots is of a train leaving - which happens to fit the close of the scene where Cloud tussles with the Shinra guards, before dropping onto its roof as it flies past. In addition, the original game's intro showed both guards that Jessie and Biggs attack being stood stationery, not expecting the train that arrives in front of them to harbour these characters. Now, I don't think there's proof the scene where Cloud tussles with the platoon of guards happens before he meets the rest of AVALANCHE, but it's interesting to note two things: 1. Jessie and Biggs are already talking about Cloud's arrival in a different manner than addressing him directly, which is their full introduction in the PS1 version once you start talking to them, and 2. We see footage of a guard investigating a train - meaning he has a reason to search for something, or someone; a key deviation from the guard's behaviour in the original. It's Jessie and Biggs that clear out the platform and come to the rescue of Cloud by stopping the guard searching, another meaningful distinction. Is it a stretch to assume that Cloud fights with the Shinra soldiers, and then boards the train which takes him to Barrett and his crew? That would explain why another member of Shinra is on alert to look for him down the line - although in that order, we'd miss the awesome scene where Cloud flips back into the carriage to reveal he's alive after the first reactor goes up.
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