Final Fantasy: Who Is The Best Character From Each Game?

5. X - Auron

Final Fantasy Characters
Square Enix

There were very few people who weren't immediately drawn to Auron after first seeing him in the opening scene of Final Fantasy X, where he watches on, unfazed, as the city of Zanarkand becomes engulfed by the monstrous Sin. The heavy metal musical accompaniment, incredible graphics (for the time) and his mysterious aura all combined to immediately establish him, and players instantly looked forward to meeting him again later on after his subsequent disappearance.

Said reappearance is one of his defining moments, as he effortlessly cuts down some monstrous looking fiends to reintroduce himself to leading man Tidus and his summoner charge Yuna.

X is Tidus and Yuna's story through and through, but you can always sense that Auron knows more than he is letting on. His subtly sarcastic rebukes to the likes of Seymour (another terrific villain) are great foreshadowing of what's to come and whilst it is possible to piece together his status as an unsent soul with the trail of crumbs offered throughout proceedings, the revelation of his death and its circumstances hits home hard.

His final passing is somewhat lost in the grand scheme of things when the game's ending comes around, but his legendary father figure status endures through the game's sequel despite him being missing from it physically.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.