Final Fantasy: Who Is The Best Character From Each Game?

4. XII - Balthier

Final Fantasy Characters
Square Enix

Final Fantasy XII never seems to get much love whenever the franchise is critically examined. It's battle system and highly political plotline are hugely underrated as a whole, but three major negatives are hard to ignore. The first is that in Vaan, the game boasts the series' blandest lead character to date. Heavily moulded on Tidus, he serves almost zero purpose.

The second is that Vayne, the game's villain, is one of the poorest entries in the franchise's rogue gallery. His interactions with the party can be counted on one hand and players are never given any particular reason to hate him.

The third is the lack of a love story. Not every game has had one, but those that have (IV and VI through X) are conspicuously more renowned. Ashe could've easily taken the crown as the game's best character if her only romantic attachment wasn't killed off in the opening cut-scene, but her lack of an arc bar 'revenge on the empire' is uninspiring.

That leaves Balthier, the self-proclaimed 'leading man' who fits the dashing rogue archetype to a tee. His strong bond with Fran and dark past with the Archadians and his father flesh him out as a solid all-round character, rivalled only really by Basch and his brother Gabranth.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.