Final Fantasy: Who Is The Best Character From Each Game?

2. XV - Ignis

Final Fantasy Characters
Square Enix

Final Fantasy XV is certainly up there with the series' best entries. Annoyingly, it has taken more than a year of downloadable content releases and storyline tweaks to see it ascend to these heights and the vast majority of players that blitzed through it upon release will be unaware of the developments that have rounded out what initially felt like an unfinished story.

On first reflection, each of the game's leading foursome seem to be a walking stereotype - Noctis is brattish, Prompto is happy-go-lucky and annoying, Gladio is a musclehead and Ignis is the straight man and voice of reason. Their journey hammers home their brotherhood, however, and the final silent campfire scene that they share ahead of their ultimate sacrifice is one of the most poignant moments in Final Fantasy history.

Ignis' unwavering devotion to Noctis plays out most prominently in his standalone episode, where he is willing to part with his life in an instant to ensure his charge's safety. It ultimately costs him his eyes, and his succumbing to but eventual acceptance of his blindness is one of the better elements of the run up to the game's finale.

Elsewhere, Ignis' characterisation is greatly enhanced by his British accent, which always gives him an air of authority. His cooking repertoire is also nothing to be sniffed at, memeworthy as his 'new recipeh' declarations might be.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.