Final Fantasy: Who Is The Best Character From Each Game?

7. VIII - Seifer

Final Fantasy Characters
Square Enix

If there's a valid criticism of VIII, it's that the playable characters not named Squall or Rinoa are massively underdeveloped - Zell, Selphie, Quistis and Irvine are window dressing from beginning to the end, with only miniscule exceptions here and there. Thankfully, Squall's development from a stoic loner who cares about nothing into a heroic leader who would go to the end of the world (and into space) for the woman he loves is one of the series' greatest and makes up for it.

Perhaps the biggest standout is the 'third wheel' in their relationship - Seifer. The primary motif of the game is how he and Squall are two sides of the same coin with their mirrored scars and opposing black and white jackets, whilst the plot is driven by the different paths they take after beginning from the same position.

Seifer's descent into villainy is one that clearly torments him and it's difficult not to feel remorseful as his flawed but honourable intentions are manipulated by the much more forgettable Ultimecia. His absence is felt on the game's fourth disc given that the interactions between him and Squall are constant highlights, and it is worth pondering whether bringing him full circle and giving him redemption and a part to play in the story's home stretch wouldn't have gone amiss.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.