Final Fantasy XV: 10 Things You Need To Know

6. Teleporting Swords

One of the more interesting revealed features of Final Fantasy XV is the ability to throw your sword great distances, before teleporting to that spot. This freeform ability not only looks great visually, but also opens up a range of gameplay options both in and out of combat. For example, it's been shown during gameplay videos that the player can throw their sword high into the side of a skyscraper and teleport there, in order to survey the area ahead. Thanks to the game's amazing visuals, this gives the potential to view some incredible vistas. It's during combat that the ability gets really exciting. The sword teleportation can function to instantly close the gap between you and an enemy, before devastating them with melee attacks. It can also be used as an escape mechanism, letting you observe the battlefield from above while deciding your next move.

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