Final Fantasy XV Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To Know

8. Performance Is Spotty Across The Board

Final Fantasy XV
Square Enix
"I'm playing on the standard PS4 (not pro). FF15 gets the graphics job done, but it's far from mind-blowing. Characters (important ones) and monsters are very detailed and have great textures. Random NPCs on the other hand are on PS3 level (no kidding). Wouldn't be a big issue, if the framerate wouldn't drop down to hell. And it drops ALOT." - Saphiro187, GameFAQs
"On the Xbox One the textures look extremely blurry, the framerate drops noticeably, and the visuals look quite outdated compared to other video games releasing around this time. Oh, and the game completely froze during loading screens." - ThisGenGaming

For whatever reason, it appears that despite its lengthy time in the oven, FF XV's debut is lacking in many key areas when it comes to performance.

Such a thing was almost inevitable given the game was designed with the PS3 in mind, and later brought across to the PS4/current generation. There's hope left that with the PS4 Pro being an all-round more powerful console, with any luck that will result in a more smooth experience.

However, with the Pro's very existence coming in right at the tail-end of an already tumultuous development, I wouldn't hold my breath.

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