Final Fantasy XV Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To Know

6. You Can "Beat It In A Day", And Side-Content Isn't Always Worthwhile

final fantasy XV
Square Enix
"The game plays like a single player MMO (think FF XIII Lightning Returns). If you're levelled enough, you could skip the ridiculous amount of side quests, focus straight on the story, and beat the game in a day. The chapters are short." indigoreality, Reddit.
"Don’t expect to have too much fun if you are the type of gamer who likes to complete side content, because Final Fantasy XV’s is mostly boring fetch quests were you are asked to find this item, and bring it back to the person who asked for said item. Sure, there’s some good side content but there’s a lot of filler side quests that you’ll most likely want to avoid rather than complete." - ThisGenGaming
"By the time you tackle the second half of Final Fantasy XV's story missions, you'll be surprised how fast the remaining chapters go by. These are linear quests, some shorter than an hour. You can always explore the world at your leisure, but these tightly choreographed dungeon runs and action set-pieces move fast and draw you in with spectacular cutscenes." - Gamespot

As many early reviews and commenters continue to point out, FF XV's general sense of worth comes from putting time into side-missions and side-quests, exploring the world and hunting down rare monsters or creatures. It's also worth noting that you're limited to taking on one hunt at a time, so no stacking side quests and cashing them all in when you return to a given hub world.

Now, you'll already know if you're a gamer who likes to wring every last possible drop from an open world or expanse before moving on, and it sounds as though as far as the world design itself is concerned, this aspect is spot on.

However, branching off from a previous point, if you're coming to FF XV for an engaging story told across a myriad of engaging, memorable main missions, you'll be left disappointed.

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