Fire Emblem Heroes Guide: 20 Crucial Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

14. Plan For Engagement

20 Tips & Tricks Fire Emblem Heroes Doesn't Tell You

Before going into any battle (whether the Story Maps, Training Tower, or Special Maps), be sure to check what you are going up against. You can see the enemy level, as well as the individual weapon types of the enemy forces, on the mission select screen.

This won’t give you all the information, but it can be useful to match up your team. For example, if you are going up against a team full of Red weapon users, it might be best to swap out any Green Heroes in your current party for Blue ones to benefit from the type advantage.

Once you begin a mission, you should start off by scouting out the enemy units. Tapping on them will let you look at their strengths and weaknesses. Take note of any specific abilities or stats: For example, if a unit has a high Defence but low Resistance, you should aim to target it with Magical attacks rather than Physical ones.

If an enemy has an ability that activates when they get below half health, try to attack them in such an order that they cannot retaliate while that ability is active.


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