First WWE 2K16 Footage - Everything You Need To Know

5. Sound Issues

The thing about the WWE video games is that no matter how many significant improvements or overhauls are made from one instalment to the next, it's still incredibly easy to nitpick with the things the developers constantly seem to overlook. 2K15 was supposed to be a huge leap forward for the franchise, but it ultimately felt like more of a sideways move. It did take some steps forward though, and it sounds like 2K16 will do the same. Unfortunately, certain areas continue to be neglected, something which was evident during the gameplay videos which have been released. The crowd just don't react to what's happening on screen. While it may admittedly be quite difficult to get them to perfectly follow what's going on in the ring, there are no chants; just that same generic rumble they've been recycling for the past decade or so. No cheers, no boos, just that same rumble of noise. The commentary and announcers also continue to sound disjointed from what's playing out on screen. Little things like this should have been sorted two or three games ago, but it seems like they'll continue to bug us all for yet another year...
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WWE 2K16
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.