Football Manager 2015: 10 Most Infuriating Things That Always Happen

2. Losing 1-0 To The Opposition's Only Shot On Target

I€™m sure this would be number one on a lot of people€™s lists. Your team is having the game of their lives. They€™re totally dominating the opposition and enjoying the majority of possession and having shot after shot. There is one problem €“ you just can€™t seem to score. You€™ve hit the bar, you€™ve hit the post, it€™s been cleared off the line by a defender and the goalkeeper doesn€™t seem troubled by anything your strikers can muster. We all know where this is heading. Your defence are looking solid but are granting the opposition a few chances. You don€™t mind as they seem to be aiming for the corner flag rather than the net. But at the back of your mind, you know it is coming. There are 91 minutes on the clock, its 0-0. Now is the time their striker decides he€™s brought his scoring boots. He capitalises on a mistake from your team and slams a 30 yard scorcher into your top corner. That€™s right; they€™ve beaten you with their only shot on target. Words cannot describe the rage you€™re feeling as you struggle to fathom how you couldn€™t score with any one of your 35 shots. Laptops have been broken and discs have been snapped after the 1-0, one shot on target defeat.

Freelance sports writer. NCTJ accredited journalist. BA Hons. Huge sports fan with a particular passion for football.