Football Manager 2015 Tips: 10 Ways To Guarantee World Domination

3. Play The Loophole Market

Say what you want about Mike Ashley's management of Newcastle United from the boardroom, but the club never let a good deal pass them by, and a major part of that is that they look into clauses and expiration dates as a matter of importance. When searching for transfers, make sure to add the Minimum Fee Release Clause column to your search filters, and you will be surprised to see that some of the more talented up-and-coming players have loopholes as long as you are willing to pay. Even more importantly, as soon as it gets to January, change your search filters to find Expiring contracts: clubs are notoriously slow to tie down some very useful talents, and if you are quick to offer better terms to players with 7.0+ ratings and good goal ratios, you can pick up some serious bargains.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.